May 21, 2008

Post Zero - Welcome!

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." - Galileo Galilei

The Adventures of Anybody is about you, today, and everything within and outside you that you relate to and that occupies your mind. The encouragement to make this blog came from both people around me (so props to them ;) ) and my own will to share what I wish someone could have shared with me.

It is meant to be readable and accessible, meaningful in a sensible and personally understandeable manner.

When making sense of words and sentences, give yourself room to think and feel. Labelling something as either right or wrong, without really questioning it, is as inconsequent as not reading a word at all. Craft your own truth, regardless of your formed beliefs on the given subject.
Feel free to post comments or send questions/feedback to



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